Monday, July 15, 2013

WV Glass and Ceramics Project Trip Day One

We will be taking a little break from learning more fusing techniques because this week I am on the West Virginia Glass and Ceramics trip.  I am traveling to northern West Virginia and to Pittsburg this week to learn all I can about our regional glass industry.

Our first stop was in Williamstown, WV at Gabbert Cullet.

This company buys scrap glass from glass manufacturers and resells it.  We met with the owner and he gave us some information on how his company operates.

They first haul the glass in on trucks.

It then needs to be sorted.  When sorting it by size they use a shaker.  When sorting it by color, it has to be sorted by hand.

There were some very interesting pieces sitting on a wall nearby.  

After the glass has been sorted, it goes into a corral according to its color, where it waits until someone buys it from Gabbert Cullet.

Sometimes, you will even find hidden treasures...

In your journal, I want you to jot down some ideas for how cullet could be used.  Don't be afraid to think outside the box!


  1. You and Carla where thinking along the same lines with the question. Great question though in getting students to think about uses for recycled glass.

  2. Thanks for adding an entry from a great day. Nice photos.
